Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The Ickeses

From never knowing another Ickes outside the members of my immediate family (other than a couple of aunts) the Ickeses were everywhere in Bedford County.

The first thing we saw was a sign for Ickes Ultralight Airport.

Then we noticed this large farm truck.

As we were driving around I also spotted a street sign for Ickes Heritage Road (if I remember right), but we couldn't figure out how to get back there later to capture an image.  There's also Ickes Road and Ickes Hill listed on a current map, but we didn't get to those places.

We looked in the Bedford County phone book and counted 69 current Ickes listings.  We also found Ickes Drugs listed, so we had to go by and check it out.

Ickes Drugs is located on a historic street in downtown Bedford.  We got there a little before it opened and waited in the car.  A lady came and sat on the bench out front and another lady came from inside the store and sat next to her.  I had one burning question on my mind.

I got out of the car and asked the ladies, "How do you pronounce the name of this drug store?" They looked at a little puzzled, probably wondering why I cared, and then one of them responded, "ick-əs." Woohoo!! They actually pronounce it "correctly"!

I found out the owner of the store, Gary Ickes, wouldn't be there until the afternoon so we left and came back later in the day.  Gary is a 3rd generation pharmacist following his father and grandfather. The store had been passed down through the generations.  It was fun to chat with him.  I'm not sure how we're related as he believes he descends from Matthias Ickes who had settled in Pleasantville. I can't find any documented evidence that tells me how Matthias and John are related, if they are at all. Some of his features did remind me of my dad though.  And everyone should check out his drug store - it got really good online reviews!

When we went to check out the burial place of Thomas and Mary Callihan (discussed in an upcoming post), the directions I was given indicated that we would need to park at Robby Ickes' house.  Robby lives just outside Pleasantville and works as an auto mechanic in town. Finding his house was easy, but I didn't want to leave my car at his house and traipse around his property looking for headstones without his permission. So I sent Brent up the hill while I stayed behind with the car.  Brent was gone for just a few minutes when Robby pulled up. Apparently his sister-in-law had driven by while the neighbor was trying to figure out what we were doing there. Between the two of them Robby got word that people were hanging out at his house and he came home to see what was going on. (Pleasantville is a very small town!)  He was very nice and full of information. From the paternal ancestry he gave me and with what I was able to figure out, Robby and I are 6th cousins once removed.  Robby's little blonde daughter was adorable. He even drove both of us back up the hill so I could see the Callihan burial ground for myself.  Robby was absolutely the best!!

I told Robby I thought he looked like my son, Stephen, but I had no idea just how much until I actually compared photos.  They would be 7th cousins.  The beards and the body types are really the common denominators.

Robby Ickes, my 6th cousin once removed

My son Stephen 

All original content, images, commentary, etc. copyright © by Joy Denison 2015-2016.  All rights reserved. All writings, poems, speeches, essays, images, scans, likenesses, etc. by Adam Ickes (b 1845) as well as personal histories, images, and all other content by all persons referenced and discussed within the pages and posts in this blog may not be copied, shared, or reproduced in any way without expressed permission by the owner unless included here from other referenced sources or are historical records already considered to be in the public domain. 

St. James Evangelical Lutheran Church

St. James Evangelical Lutheran Church in Pleasantville

Conrad Ickes was a very devout church goer.  When he bought farm land near Pleasantville in 1836 he and his family would have to travel back to the Messiah Lutheran Church in Dutch Corner or to the Old Log Union Church in Schellsburg (where multiple denominations met) in order to attend services.

Beginning in 1848, 12 years after moving to the Pleasantville area, Lutheran services finally commenced in a schoolhouse near Pleasantville as well as the home of the local clergy.  In 1853 a meetinghouse was finally erected.  Conrad was one of two Elders and church officers.  The meetinghouse was a white frame building, 32 ft. X 40 ft., and stood on the corner of Hench St. and Church St.  There were thirteen members with 40 scholars attending the Sabbath School.

Conrad's sons, Adam and Richard, were very much involved in the church as well.  Adam became the superintendent of the Sabbath School beginning in 1872.  According to Aunt Alle, he was also the church organist from 1872 until 1884 when the family moved to Nebraska (which I find extremely interesting since I've been a church organist and pianist beginning at age 12).

As the congregation grew, the need for a new church building became a priority. In 1882 Adam Ickes was appointed a member of the committee to acquire land on which a new church building would be erected.  A lot was soon acquired in Pleasantville, but the actual construction of the new church didn't begin right away.  By 1884 the congregation had grown to 65 members and 110 scholars attending the Sabbath School. In Conrad's will, dated  Feb 1885, he stipulated that $200 would be donated toward the construction of the new church building as long as work commenced within 2 years. With Conrad as a principle member of the building committee, foundation work for the new church began on 7 May 1886.  More about the construction, the timeline, and the items placed in the cornerstone can be found here.

The new brick church building was located just a block and a half from Conrad's house.

Much discussion took place as to whether or not to build the new Lutheran church building with brick. It was determined it would cost $313.50 more than wood, but ultimately it was decided that it was worth the added expense.  They purchased 60,000 brick and paid brick layers $1/day.  The total cost of the project was about $4,000.

Construction took 9 months and the church was dedicated on 2 February, 1887.  Conrad died in May of that same year.


We were in Pleasantville our first day, but went back early the next morning to take photos of the church when I could capture images in better light.  The morning dew created striking images on the front doors.  It was also great having my husband with me (who is a structural engineer and currently works for the largest brick manufacturer in the US) who could explain details in the foundation stone and masonry work.

I found out from Robby Ickes (I'll talk more about him in subsequent posts) that the church was sold a few years ago as the congregation numbers had dwindled to a point that continuing to operate the building was no longer possible.  It was purchased by a man who owned an auto salvage business in Pleasantville.  We went by his place of business as Robby had assured me he would be happy to let us tour the inside of the church. He was out for lunch.  But having been told that an auction had been held, all of the contents of the church sold off, and that it was now used as storage for the auto salvage business, I decided I didn't want to go inside after all.  I would rather just imagine how the inside of the church would have looked to Conrad and his family.  The stained glass cathedral windows and the intricate brick work outside must have been mirrored inside with hand carved pews, detailed moldings, and a grand podium. The Ickes family, along with other members of the community, contributed to the church with generous donations and much sacrifice.  I can only imagine entering that grand brick structure on the day of dedication and feeling a sense of love and devotion for the God who brought them all together to accomplish such a magnificent project.    It was and is a worthy tribute to the God they worshiped and loved.

Conrad Ickes' grave marker with St. James Church in the background

All original content, images, commentary, etc. copyright © by Joy Denison 2015-2016.  All rights reserved. All writings, poems, speeches, essays, images, scans, likenesses, etc. by Adam Ickes (b 1845) as well as personal histories, images, and all other content by all persons referenced and discussed within the pages and posts in this blog may not be copied, shared, or reproduced in any way without expressed permission by the owner unless included here from other referenced sources or are historical records already considered to be in the public domain. (Just ask me first BEFORE you right click.)

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Conrad Ickes' Will

"I, Conrad Ickes of Pleasantville, Bedford County, State of Pennsylvania being of ill health and of sound and disposing mind and memory calling to mind the frailty and uncertainty of human life and being desirous of settling my worldly affairs and directing how the estates with which it has pleased God to bless me shall be disposed after my decease while I have strength and capacity to do so, do make and publish this my last will, and testament and as to my worldly estate and all the property real and personal or mixed of which I shall die seized and possessed or to whom I shall be entitled at the time of my death or decease, I devise bequeath and dispose thereof in the manner following, to-wit:  1st. I give and bequeath to my wife all the property she brot along with her at the time of our marriage and all the property she has bought and paid for since, namely one cow one sewing machine carpet in the parlor and marble top stand and one chamber set furniture one common bedstead and bedding for two beds set comm. On chairs and one table one bereaw and plated ware spoons, rocking chair (Kane bottom) also to have the cooking stove and pipe and the parlor stove and pipe the sink knives and forks and all such other things necessary for housekeeping also my wife to have the use of the house and lot in which I now reside in for one year after my decease free and also the use of the pasture lot.  Lot adjoining my farm near Pleasantville for the term of one year free also the one third of the income of the farm near Pleasantville.  Namely one third of the grain one third of the hay and one third of the fruit and one third of the potatoes same as y share of the proceeds of said farm for one year after my decease.  And further at the expiration of one year after my decease my wife Mary can have her choice of taking the use of the house and lot in which I now reside and the pasture lot aforenamed. At the rate of sixty dollars per year and in case that she should not choose to do so at the expiration of one year after my decease she is to receive sixty dollars a year annually our of the farm near Pleasantville it being the interest at 6 per cent of one thousand dollars it to be paid to her annually as long as she remains my widow and then in that case the house and lot in Pleasantville and the pasture lot containing five acres more or less to be sold.

"2nd I give and bequeath unto my son Richard W Ickes the mansion farm situated in King Township now in the occupancy of said Richard, he is to have said farm by paying thirty seven hundred dollars for the same.  Richard is to pay my grandson Harry C. Wilt one thousand dollars when he becomes twenty one years of age and if Harry should not live then this share or amount to be equally divided between my sons, namely Adam and Richard, and further Richard is to pay at the rate of four per cent for this amount annually to my wife so long as she shall remain my widow and when Harry becomes of age Richard is still to continue paying my wife as long as she remains my widow Forty dollars a year in this farm.  And further I desire my son Richard W to take charge of my grandson Harry Wilt and care for him after my decease until he becomes sixteen years or old enough to go to a trade, also give him a free school education.

"3rd I give and bequeath unto my son Adam Ickes the farm near Pleasantville adjoining Riley B. Davis and others by paying twenty seven hundred dollars for the same and if Adam should not want the aforesaid farm at the price I have fixed upon it, then my Executor is to sell it to the best advantage in cash or in payments as he may think best and the amount to be paid to my son Adam and further if the farm should not sell for twenty seven hundred dollars, Adam and Richard then to have equal shares after settling up my estate, paying all expenses share and share alike.  My personal property to be sold and all debts to be paid including a note that my wife holds against me at the present time for two hundred dollars.

"4th. I also bequeath to the building of a new Lutheran Church in Pleasantville the sum of two hundred dollars to be paid in manner follows – each one of my sons to pay out of his share one hundred dollars provided the church be built inside of two years from the date hereof of this will.
Lastly I do hereby nominate and appoint my son Richard W Ickes my executor.

"In testimony whereof I the said Conrad Ickes have to this my last will and testament contained on two sheets of paper and to every sheet thereof subscribed my name and to this last sheet thereof I have here subscribed my name and affixed my seal this 21st day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty five.   signed Conrad Ickes

"This is to certify that I Mary Ickes wife of Conrad Ickes after having been duly informed of the contents of the foregoing will of my said husband do accept to take the same after his death in lieu of any other provisions the law might make (namely three hundred dollars law) and do so of my own free will and without any compulsion.  In witness whereof I hereunto subscribe my name and affix the seal the 21st day of February AD 1885.   signed Mary Ickes

"P.S. June 27, 1885.  Now I sold Richard W. Ickes my son a note against Geo. A. Wilt and Lida V. Wilt given June 27th 1877 and Richard gave me one hundred dollars for it Feb. 21st 1885.  Now if Geo. A. Wilt don’t pay this note before Harry C. Wilt becomes 21 years of age Harry C. Wilt must pay Richard W. Ickes or his heirs one hundred dollars with interest from Feb. 21, 1885 for this note.  signed Conrad Ickes

"Now, Jan. 26, 1899, I, Harry C. Wilt, the within named grandchild and legatee of Conrad Ickes, dec’d, having attained full age at twenty one years, acknowledge that I have this day received of and from Richard W. Ickes, devises of said Conrad Ickes, the sum of eight hundred and sixteen dollars and 41 cents which with the note of George A. Wilt and Lida V. Wilt this day amounting to $182.59  is in full satisfaction and payment of the special legacy of One Thousand dollars herein directed to be paid by said Richard W. Ickes to me.  signed Harry C. Wilt

"I, Clarence A. Diehl, Register for the of Wills and granting Letters of Administration in and for said county, do hereby certify that the foregoing copy of the Last Will and Testament of Conrad Ickes, late of Pleasantville Borough, Bedford County, Pennsylvania, deceased, is true and correct, so full, perfect and entire as the same remains of record and on file in said office.  Will Book 6, page 339.  In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the 14th day of March A.D. 1936.  Clarence A. Diehl, Register


Wow!  If you took the time to read it that's some kind of long, confusing will!  No wonder his wife Mary decided to take a lump sum of $300 rather than doing all that math and jumping through all those hoops.  

Several aspects of this will is really of interest to me.  First, considering the fact that his grandfather started life virtually penniless, relying on government land grants in payment of his Revolutionary War service, I'm amazed at the wealth and assets Conrad amassed.  If the value he placed on his farms was correct, in 2016 dollars they would now be worth over $170,000.  That doesn't even include the value of his house in Pleasantville, his 5 acre pasture lot in Pleasantville, his livestock, his household goods, and his farm tools.  Considering the size of his grave marker he was probably one of the wealthiest men in the small borough of Pleasantville.  I am in awe as to what could be accomplished in just two generations.

Second, I hate being reminded of the second-class status of women.  He left his wife, Mary, all the stuff she previously owned before they were married and all the things she bought. And then he had to mention the $200 loan she was required to pay back. Unbelievable.

Third, this will makes me feel like I personally know Conrad as he mirrors someone else I know very well - my dad.  It seems to me that maintaining his influence and control over his property, assets, and family members as long as he can - even after his death - was important to him. Other very similar personality traits jump out at me as well.  They both created a much more comfortable lifestyle than that of their parents. They both seemed quite ambitious and worked hard to improve their lives.  They both valued education and provided needed resources so their children (or grandchildren) could be well educated.  Although not explicit in his will, culture at the time Conrad lived would dictate a very patriarchal system.  I'm sure Conrad, just like my dad, maintained complete power and autonomy within their respective homes.

Is it genetic or coincidental?  Is it nature or nurture?  According to the experts the jury is still out.  (Click here for more info.)  Ask me and I'll tell you genetics absolutely has to be part of the equation.

One more interesting thing about the will.  I copied it from a transcription that was done by my Aunt Alle.  The last paragraph she included, which certifies the validity and the recording of the will, was not found in the will book.  I have no idea where that came from.  The strange thing is that it was dated 1936.  He died in 1887.  Why would it take 49 years to finalize probating his will, especially since his two sons died in 1914 and 1917?  Well, while I was searching out other records that might explain it, I came across a piece of history I never would have expected.  You'll have to wait for the details, but let's just say it involves property foreclosure, eviction, unemployment, marital separation, economic depression, adultery, murder, and suicide.  O. M. G.



All original content, images, commentary, etc. copyright © by Joy Denison 2015-2016.  All rights reserved. All writings, poems, speeches, essays, images, scans, likenesses, etc. by Adam Ickes (b 1845) as well as personal histories, images, and all other content by all persons referenced and discussed within the pages and posts in this blog may not be copied, shared, or reproduced in any way without expressed permission by the owner unless included here from other referenced sources or are historical records already considered to be in the public domain. 

Conrad Ickes and Elizabeth Lingenfelter Ickes

Conrad Ickes was born in 1812,  probably in the house located on the original homestead in Dutch Corner. His parents, Adam and Mary, and his grandparents, John and Mary (Elizabeth) were all living there together.

Various tracts of land were bought, sold, inherited, divided, sub-divided, etc. between John and Adam and Adam and Conrad.  Until I dig deeper through all the land records including deeds, warrants, patents, surveys, and maps I can't state definitively who lived exactly where and when.  I do know, however, that Conrad spent much of his adult life on a farm very close to the borough of Pleasantville and adjacent to George's Creek.  Conrad also purchased a 2nd farm located in Union Township.

Conrad's farmhouse Near George's Creek, 1861 map

This house and barn sit on the exact location of Conrad's house

Farmland adjacent to the house

Conrad and Elizabeth's lives together were filled with heartache and loss.  Their first child, Mary Ann,  died when she was only 4 months old.  Elizabeth became pregnant with her second child, Daniel Webster, just 2 months later.  Daniel married when he was about 19 years old and relocated to Sandusky County Ohio.  On 4 Oct 1868 (when Daniel was 28 yrs. old) their oldest son, George died. He was 8 1/2 years old.  The very next day their 7 yr. old daughter Elmira died.  Eleven days later, on the 16th of October, Daniel died, leaving his wife alone with their 21 month old daughter, Elizabeth. In December of that same year, daughter Elizabeth died.

Conrad and Elizabeth's son, William, came next.  He died when he was 17 years old.  Adam, my 2nd great-grandfather, was the next born and outlived both his parents.  Daughter Mandilla was born two years after Adam and died at the age of 12.  Her mother was buried right beside to her.  John Clayton, born a year and a half after Mandilla only lived 11 months.  He was followed by Richard Watson, the only other child to outlive Conrad and Elizabeth.

Their last child, Eliza Virginia, was married at the age of 17 and died at the age of 19, just 2 months after giving birth to her first child.

Conrad's wife, Elizabeth, died in January of 1868 (the same year son Daniel and all three of his children died) and is buried on a hill overlooking the farm.

Family Cemetery (now called Hoover Cemetery) overlooking Conrad's farmland

Elizabeth Lingenfelter Ickes' grave marker

A view near the cemetery.  Conrad's house would have been just beyond the closest trees.

Shortly after the death of Elizabeth, Conrad purchased a house in the borough of Pleasantville.  He married Mary Blackburn who outlived him.  Eventually his Pleasantville home was demolished and in 1947 the Blackburn funeral home was built in its place. He also purchased a general store in Pleasantville from his son Adam.

Location of Conrad's house in Pleasantville, 1877 map

Conrad was described by his granddaughter, Allegra (Aunt Alle), as a "very strict church man".  He was an Elder and a very active member of the Lutheran Church. He was a director and a member of the building committee for a new church building, St. James Lutheran Church, located in Pleasantville. It was completed in 1877. Conrad died 3 months after the church was dedicated and was buried in the Pleasantville Cemetery.

Conrad's grave marker in the Pleasantville Cemetery

Conrad's grave marker with St. James Lutheran Church in the background

Aunt Alle wrote of him, "He lived a quite, retired life after moving to town, owned two farms, spent his time hunting and looking after his farms."

Conrad Ickes 1812-1887



All original content, images, commentary, etc. copyright © by Joy Denison 2015-2016.  All rights reserved. All writings, poems, speeches, essays, images, scans, likenesses, etc. by Adam Ickes (b 1845) as well as personal histories, images, and all other content by all persons referenced and discussed within the pages and posts in this blog may not be copied, shared, or reproduced in any way without expressed permission by the owner unless included here from other referenced sources or are historical records already considered to be in the public domain.